Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

A rich young man approaches Jesus and asks him: “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Now we often read that in a timeline sense, like “how do I live forever?” This young man was asking a much deeper, more pressing question: “What must I do to live the kind of life that God wants, that is true to God’s ultimate intention for humanity?”

Valid question. One we all wonder about. “How do I live the kind of life that God wants me to live?” For the rich young man, Jesus’ answer was targeted toward the man’s wealth because it was in riches that the man hoped to be “saved” or taken care of in this life. In other words: “Surely God’s ultimate intention for humanity is to accumulate wealth so you can live comfortably and without fear.”

Jesus says, “Nope. You are serving two masters. Sell everything you have then follow me.” This was something the rich young man either could not or would not let go of.

I wonder what it is that I serve right alongside of God sometimes…?

Sunday, December 17, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 16

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Rich Young Man

A rich young man approaches Jesus and asks him: “Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Now we often read that in a timeline sense, like “how do I live forever?” This young man was asking a much deeper, more pressing question: “What must I do to live the kind of life that God wants, that is true to God’s ultimate intention for humanity?”

Valid question. One we all wonder about. “How do I live the kind of life that God wants me to live?” For the rich young man, Jesus’ answer was targeted toward the man’s wealth because it was in riches that the man hoped to be “saved” or taken care of in this life. In other words: “Surely God’s ultimate intention for humanity is to accumulate wealth so you can live comfortably and without fear.”

Jesus says, “Nope. You are serving two masters. Sell everything you have then follow me.” This was something the rich young man either could not or would not let go of.

I wonder what it is that I serve right alongside of God sometimes…?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 15

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Parable of the Good Samaritan

“Just who is my neighbor?”

We’ve (humans) been asking this question for millenia. And this was the very question posed to Jesus back 2,000 years ago:

“Who do I have to LOVE?”

And it was just like the Son of God to pinpoint exactly “who” it was to the person (or group of people) asking this question. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus shoots straight at the religious leaders and Jews of the day with their hated neighbors, the Samaritans. It was in this iconic and classic story that Jesus shares “you need to be a neighbor (and love them) to the one (or group of people) that you seem to hate the most.”

Jesus always had a way of accurately pinpointing exactly what the “hearer” needed.

I wonder who it is that I hate and need to love as my neighbor? Maybe you should wonder and let Jesus ask you that question as well…

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 14

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Coin and Son

Jesus spent some time with some shady people: tax collectors and sinners. This frustrated the religious, “super-duper Christian” types. So Jesus told a series of three stories: Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Son.

Now, when the Scripture writers repeat themselves, it is saying something like: PAY ATTENTION HERE! Only in a few instances does the biblical authors, or Jesus himself, do a series of THREE. It’s like Jesus is saying:

“Okay, here’s a story…

“Now just in case you missed my point, here’s another story…

“Now because I know you are still not getting what I am saying, here is a third story right between the eyes!”

Jesus is strongly emphasizing that the reason he came is to seek and save the lost, not the righteous.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 13

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Parable of the Sower [y3_w12]

insert text here

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 12

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jesus Raises Lazarus Back to Life [y3_w11]

insert text here

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 11

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Jesus Walks on Water [y3_w10]

insert text here

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 10

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jesus Feeds 5,000 People [y3_w09]

This past Sunday in Main Street, the students interacted with the story of Jesus Feeding the 5,000 + People.

Jesus feeding the 5,000 is a well-known story. It's difficult to mess up, and, at the same time, introduce anything really new.

With this in mind I used this opportunity to give the Main Street students some perspective on where we were in the New Testament; particularly the books we are pulling the stories of Jesus from: the Gospels. I had them all grab Bibles (either their own, or the ones we have available in the room) and turn to the location of the story, as well as the beginning of the New Testament. I talked about how the life of Jesus is recorded from 4 different angles and perspectives: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Then we read the story of Jesus' feeding the multitude miracle, walked through the text expositionally, then watched the Story Keeper version of the story. It was really worthwhile!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 9

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Jesus Heals #2 [y3_w08]

Jesus heals Jairus' dead daughter and along the way a bleeding woman. He also healed 10 lepers and one leper.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 8

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jesus Delivers the Gadarene Maniac [y3_w07]

This past Sunday we did the story of Jesus Delivering the Gadarene Maniac in Main Street.

After reviewing the stories we've learned thus far, we showed 2 videos to the students:

The first video was from the series entitled: The Story Keepers. One of the "story keepers" shared the story of the demon-possesed man in the area of Garesa and how Jesus delivered the man and the people in the area were afraid of Jesus and asked him to leave.

The second video was from Kids Camp 2008. During that week, the speaker had asked me if I would "live act" this story before he gave his message. It has become an iconic storytelling session! Dave Dixon (the Hayward Primary School's P.E. teacher - Mr. Dixon) played the part of the demon-possessed crazy man, and he did a great job!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 7

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jesus Heals #1 [y3_w06]

This past weekend in Main Street, we recounted some of the miracles of Jesus. He healed a lame man by a pool, a man with a shriveled hand (on the Sabbath), a paralytic let down from the roof by some friends, and a blind man (again on the Sabbath).

We learned that “miracles” are REAL unlike “magic” which is just a trick. Jesus (aka God) was compelled to fix what was broken.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 6

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sermon on the Mount [y3_w05]

The students in Main Street learned that the main point of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount was (and is): "Repent, for the kingdom of God is near..." 180 degree turnaround. Do virtually the opposite of what we would humanly (or in our flesh) want to do. We reviewed the four categories of people Jesus encountered in the world of his day: Pharisees, Saduccees, Essenes, and Zealots. In his sermon, Jesus directly confronted these various groups and made most people very uncomfortable!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 5

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Jesus is Tempted [y3_w04]

Jesus is led into the wilderness by the Spirit (right after he is baptized) and is there (both physically and symbolically) for 40 days and 40 nights. He is hungry, tired and worn. And the devil, the tempter, comes to Jesus in his human weakness and tempts him.

I recently returned from a business trip in which I flew on an airplane. Coupled with some other "flight" experiences, I use the analogy of the wild blue wilderness in the sky to illustrate some practical aspects of life and temptation.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 4

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Sunday, September 18, 2011

John the Baptist and Jesus' Baptism [y3_w03]

This week we find ourselves interacting with John the Baptist (JTB), the cousin of Jesus. The Main Street students grabbed their Bibles, turned to Mark 1, and read about who JTB was, what JTB talked about, and who JTB baptized. Talk about a passionately, wild man of God.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 3

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Birth of Jesus [y3_w01]

It's Christmas in the Fall! Main Street | Year 3 focuses on the New Testament and starts with the birth of Jesus.

This Sunday we used a couple of clips from the "Story Keepers" (a series of videos which chronicle the stories of the life of Jesus in a post-resurrection, new-church community Roman world).

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 1

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fall of Judah [y2_w37]

After a series of "evil" kings, the LORD God sends King Nebuchadnezzer of Babylon into the land of Judah and exiles its king and people. Later, King Neb destroys the city of Jerusalem and the Temple of the LORD.

For a period of 70 years, the people of Judah are in semi-permanent time-out.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 37

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

King Josiah of Judah [y2_w36]

King Josiah's dad and grandfather were kings, and not very good kings at all. Josiah became king at the age of 8, and it wasn't until the 18th year of his reign that in the process of repairing the Temple a scroll was discovered. It was the Book of the Law (the Torah). King Josiah was deeply saddened at how far God's people had strayed from Him and had the people renew the covenant with the LORD.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 36

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Sunday, May 1, 2011

King Hezekiah of Judah [y2_w35]

King Hezekiah was a good king. He helped turn the idolatry of his fellow Israelites back to the LORD. During Hezekiah's reign, the northern kingdom of Israel was conquered by the Assyrians, which in turn, came knocking on Judah's doorstep. The King and the people sought the LORD while under siege from Sennacherib, King of Assyria. The LORD rescued them from Sennacherib's hand and spared them.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 35

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fall of Israel [y2_w34]

Israel fails miserably in its mission to be a "light to the nations" and is exiled. After 18 poor leaders (with one exception, King Jehu), the LORD God sends the northern kingdom into exile at the hands of the Assyrians.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 34

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Story of Jeremiah [y2_w33]

Jeremiah had a tough job. He was to be the prophet through the destruction of Jerusalem and the ensuing exile for the people of Judah. The book after Jeremiah is entitled "Lamentations" and you can guess how much fun Jeremiah had during his tenure as God's spokesman.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 33

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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Story of Isaiah [y2_w32]

In Isaiah chapter 6, a remarkable thing happens: Isaiah meets the LORD! It's an incredible scene!

The Main Street students get to act like "seraphs" during the teaching time today!

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 32

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stories of Elisha [y2_w31]

Kathy Baker walks the Main Street students through the various stories and encounters of Elisha.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Story of Elijah on Mount Carmel [y2_w30]

After Israel splits into two separate countries (North=Israel, South=Judah), a series of kings rule each of them.

In the north, things aren't going so hot. Remember: God's people (the Israelites) are supposed to show the world what God is like. The northern country of Israel, especially the leaders, were wicked and evil people. Thus, the people of God has poor examples of what looking like God actually looked like!

Elijah was a prophet that stood out from the crowd and spoke against the evil the northern kingdom had plunged themselves into. This did not win him popularity contests... quite the opposite. Here is his story of standing out and speaking for the LORD God.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 30

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Kingdom Falls Apart and Divides [y2_w29]

King Solomon marries 600 women who in turn lead him away from the LORD. Solomon follows after the gods of his wives. Judgment from the LORD includes the tearing / dividing of the kingdom.

Jeroboam harasses Solomon, and ends up fleeing for his life.

Solomon's successor to the throne of Israel is his son, Rehoboam. This young man chooses to defy the wishes of the people of Israel (to go easy on them as his father, Solomon, worked them hard). Rehoboam tells them his finder is thicker than his father's waist and they can expect to be worked harder!

Led by Jeroboam, the people of the North (Israel) divided from the people of the South (Judah and Benjamin), led by Rehoboam.

Thus the kingdom was divided in two.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 29

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

King Solomon Builds the Temple [y2_w28]

King Hiram of Tyre visits the Main Street students and informs them of the grand Temple that King Solomon built. An animated video walk-though of the spectacular Temple is shown to give a realistic visual of what it might have looked like.

We are also reminded that we, as God's special people, have a big job to accomplish: to show the world what God is like (and what God might want this world to look like).

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 28

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Solomon Becomes King and Asks for Wisdom [y2_w27]

King David dies and his son, Solomon, assumes the throne. The LORD asks young Solomon what he could do for him. Solomon responds by asking for wisdom so he could rule well. The LORD is pleased with Solomon's request and further grants him wealth and fame as well.

King Solomon wrote numerous proverbs and wise sayings. There is even an example of the application of his wisdom as he settled a dispute between two young mothers over a baby.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 27

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

David Takes a Census [y2_w26]

David decides to count his troops, realizes that was a bad decision (after the fact), has to choose one of three punishments, and buys the porch (threshold) where the plague stopped.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 26

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Conspiracy of Absalom [y2_w25]

Absalom kills his half-brother, Amnon, then goes into hiding. After 3 years he returns, woos people to like him (and not his dad, King David) and then proceeds to perform a coup. King David flees, but eventually returns after his commander, Joab, finds and kills young Absalom.

Key Lesson of the Story? Sin has consequences.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 25

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

David and Bathsheba [y2_w24]

Nathan tells a story to David about a rich man and a poor man. The rich man steals the poor man's beloved sheep to feed a traveler instead of using one of his own animals (of which he had plenty). David's righteous anger is churned... until Nathan points his finger at David and tells him that he is that rich man!

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 24

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Davidic Covenant [y2_w23]

a clever video that "whiteboards" the story of the Davidic Covenant.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 23

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saul Dies and David Becomes King [y2_w22]

Regime change seems to be difficult sometimes. It was no different in the early years of Israel's monarchy. King Saul had reigned for a while, then was killed in battle. Normally one of his sons would be installed as the next king, but God had rejected Saul's kingship and passed it on to David. As David assumes control of the country, some violent things happen. But eventually, over a period of time, David unites the entire land of Israel under his kingship and establishes the capital city of Jerusalem.

This story is rather violent in nature. A lot of killing takes place.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 22

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

David, Nabal and Abigail [y2_w21]

David encounters a "fool" (Nabal) and almost succumbs to a rash decision. Thank goodness for Abigail!

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 21

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

David Spares Saul's Life Twice [y2_w20]

King Saul was really and actually trying to kill David, and he had numerous chances. In these two stories (1 Samuel 24, 26), David had a chance to end Saul's life and chose to follow God and not himself.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 20

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

David and Jonathan [y2_w19]

David is successful in whatever Saul sent him to do, then Saul got jealous and tried to kill David a number of times. In the process, David and Saul's son Jonathan became best friends and looked out for each other.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 19

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

David and Goliath [y2_w18]

David fights the giant Goliath and prevails.

Main Street | Year 2 | Week 18

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