Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jesus Feeds 5,000 People [y3_w09]

This past Sunday in Main Street, the students interacted with the story of Jesus Feeding the 5,000 + People.

Jesus feeding the 5,000 is a well-known story. It's difficult to mess up, and, at the same time, introduce anything really new.

With this in mind I used this opportunity to give the Main Street students some perspective on where we were in the New Testament; particularly the books we are pulling the stories of Jesus from: the Gospels. I had them all grab Bibles (either their own, or the ones we have available in the room) and turn to the location of the story, as well as the beginning of the New Testament. I talked about how the life of Jesus is recorded from 4 different angles and perspectives: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Then we read the story of Jesus' feeding the multitude miracle, walked through the text expositionally, then watched the Story Keeper version of the story. It was really worthwhile!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 9

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Jesus Heals #2 [y3_w08]

Jesus heals Jairus' dead daughter and along the way a bleeding woman. He also healed 10 lepers and one leper.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 8

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jesus Delivers the Gadarene Maniac [y3_w07]

This past Sunday we did the story of Jesus Delivering the Gadarene Maniac in Main Street.

After reviewing the stories we've learned thus far, we showed 2 videos to the students:

The first video was from the series entitled: The Story Keepers. One of the "story keepers" shared the story of the demon-possesed man in the area of Garesa and how Jesus delivered the man and the people in the area were afraid of Jesus and asked him to leave.

The second video was from Kids Camp 2008. During that week, the speaker had asked me if I would "live act" this story before he gave his message. It has become an iconic storytelling session! Dave Dixon (the Hayward Primary School's P.E. teacher - Mr. Dixon) played the part of the demon-possessed crazy man, and he did a great job!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 7

Audio file DOWNLOAD mp3 (8.58mb)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jesus Heals #1 [y3_w06]

This past weekend in Main Street, we recounted some of the miracles of Jesus. He healed a lame man by a pool, a man with a shriveled hand (on the Sabbath), a paralytic let down from the roof by some friends, and a blind man (again on the Sabbath).

We learned that “miracles” are REAL unlike “magic” which is just a trick. Jesus (aka God) was compelled to fix what was broken.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 6

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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sermon on the Mount [y3_w05]

The students in Main Street learned that the main point of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount was (and is): "Repent, for the kingdom of God is near..." 180 degree turnaround. Do virtually the opposite of what we would humanly (or in our flesh) want to do. We reviewed the four categories of people Jesus encountered in the world of his day: Pharisees, Saduccees, Essenes, and Zealots. In his sermon, Jesus directly confronted these various groups and made most people very uncomfortable!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Main Street | Year 3 | Week 5

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